The Pageant!

    I arrived at the Franklin Rodeo on Thursday, that is when the pageant began! When I got there I met the most amazing state queens ever, MROR, McKenzie Carr; MRMT, Lorissa Harris; MRNM, Kaycee McDaniel; MRIA, Heidi Gansen; MRAL, Wesleigh Whittle & MRFL, Sammy Roberts. Along with them was Miss Tennessee Junior Rodeo Queen, Summer Weldon, she is awesome! 
        The pageant started with the first night grand entry, I rode Bomber, Ms. Trena's palomino. It was a ton of fun! After that me and Ty, Miss Rodeo Tennessee 2011 walked around and took donations for the Miss Rodeo Tennessee Association's scholarship program. When it was time to start to set up barrels we got to ride in the back of the barrel truck, that was AWESOME! Yes, I did lose my balance multiple times and almost fall out of the truck, but I made it! I think by the time this year is up I will be good at riding in the back of the trucks! The rodeo was almost over so we went to tell all the rodeo fans goodbye as they left!  

        Day two! We woke up early Friday morning for the horsemanship competition! I could have done much better, Bomber was having a hard time catching his leads and he didn't want to stop. Other than that I was happy with him. After horsemanship we went to a tea party! I Had never been to a real tea party before and it was fabulous! All the queens and contestants wore dresses and hats, and no not rodeo queen dresses and cowboy hats, we wore sun dresses and big floppy hats! It was a ton of fun! Then we went to the rodeo and it was just like Thursday night.

Me and Ty!!

          Day Three!! Saturday morning started off with public interview and speech! That was scarey, but a great experience! My speech and public interview went well I thought, but there is always room for improvement! After that we got ready for privet interviews, mine went kind of like the public interviews, well but not perfect... far from perfect! Afterwards we went to McRoos for lunch, can you say delicious! Then we went to get ready for the last rodeo performance, and CORONATION! When I was in the arena for grand entry Bomber decided to bunny hop out of the gate! I tried not to let it bother me though. We walked around the rodeo for a little bit then got our horses ready for coronation! When my name was called I went in the arena, Lauren Berner, a fabulous former Miss Teen Rodeo Tennessee, gave me my sash and crown! When I went to get on Bomber he decided he would buck, I guess he had been watching saddle bronc for too long! Once I finally get him on the rail, with the help of Kelley Hampton, I followed Lauren as I made my first queen run as Miss Teen Rodeo Tennessee. After that me and Ty went to get pictures made!  
     Day Four! Contract signing! Contracting signing was a lot! I knew being a rodeo queen was a job not a hobby, but contract signing really showed me that it was a huge job! This will be a fun year!